Our Single List Results mode is powered by Google and Bing. Those search engines find new pages very quickly, but have no way of knowing immediately when a page they've found in the past is no longer there. So if a craigslist ad gets deleted, for a while Google and/or Bing will still think it's there with its original contents, and so it will still show up in our listings.
For some searches these deleted ads rarely show up. For others, they're everywhere. If they are a problem for your search, you have a few options:
- You could use our default Direct Results mode. With Direct Results, you can access the results straight from craigslist*, guaranteeing that they're up to date and complete. That way you see exactly what you would by searching directly, with no deleted or flagged postings. We recommend Direct Results for most users.
- If you run the same search often, you could use our RSS Feeds tool, which will give you the new results for your search, without having to go through ones you've already seen (or ones that have been deleted!)
- You could try filtering out older results, by using the "Within last # days" option, just above the first city's results, on the right. By removing the older posts, you should get rid of most of the deleted ones as well.
* We are not affiliated with or endorsed by craigslist.
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